Multiple bitbucket accounts

TheWebGuy picture TheWebGuy · Nov 18, 2011 · Viewed 28k times · Source

I have a Bitbucket account for my 9-5 job and I also have a personal Bitbucket account. My goal is to be able to use both on the same computer. I have installed the latest git on a Windows 7 pc.

So currently everything with my companies Bitbucket account works fine, I can pull/push with no problems. I created a new ssh key using ssh-keygen and assigned a new name in my case "tech". But I am having issues on how to tell a local repo to use the new ssh key I created. I am assuming everytime I try to connect it uses the first ssh key.

I get the error:

$ git push conq: repository access denied. fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

I found some advice on the internet but it seems to relate to a linux/git setup, for example I can't find the "config" file on windows.


ZenBalance picture ZenBalance · Feb 11, 2014

This blog post describes a straightforward way to add multiple ssh keys to a single computer and use one ssh key per a bitbucket account. It is much clearer than the official bitbucket documentation. To summarize:

First, make sure you have a default account setup through a tutorial like this one on Github.

For the second account:

  1. Create a new ssh key:

    ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/<your second account name> -C "<you email>"
  2. Add the ssh key:

    ssh-add ~/.ssh/<key file name> 
  3. Use pbcopy < ~/.ssh/<your second account name>.pub to copy the public key and add this key to your bitbucket account (in the settings area)

(On Windows you can copy the ssh key using ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/<your account name> -c "<your email>" | clip or on Linux you can follow these instructions.)

  1. Add the following to your ~/.ssh/config file. The first sets the default key for The second sets your second key to an alias bitbucket-account2 for

      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    Host bitbucket-account2
      PreferredAuthentications publickey
      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<your second account name>
  2. You can now clone projects with your default account the same way as before:

    git clone [email protected]:username/project.git
  3. To clone a project with the second identity, replace with the Host that you specified in the ~/.ssh/config file (i.e. bitbucket-account2 above):

    git clone git@bitbucket-account2:username/project.git

That's it!