Git pull change log

Gilles Maes picture Gilles Maes · Jun 30, 2011 · Viewed 15.1k times · Source

After pulling from a git server, I'm trying to get a list of all changed files. I don't need any specific parts of code, just a list of files (with some kind of indication as to wether it's been added, removed or changed).

I first looked at using git log, but that appearantly only returns info from the last commit:

git log --name-status --max-count=1 --pretty=format:""

Since this appearantly only gets the changes from the last commit in a pull, I'm trying to find a way to get all the changes (the pull almost always exists out of multiple commits).

Is there any command for this? (I'm interacting with Git from PHP, btw)


araqnid picture araqnid · Jun 30, 2011

After a pull, ORIG_HEAD refers to where you were before, and HEAD refers to where you are now. So ORIG_HEAD.. means the changes pulled into the current branch. --max-count=1 means just the last commit, not what you want, as you discovered.

You probably want something like git diff --name-status ORIG_HEAD.. which will output a single-character status code and a filename for each file changed, aggregating all the commits together. If you want it broken down by each change, you need something like git log --oneline --name-status ORIG_HEAD..