I am using git as my revision control system. To do so, I installed msysGit to checkout my repositories on MSW. Now I want to compile my programs with MinGW and found this "problem" for me: When I install MinGW and MSYS via mingw-get I can compile my program, no problem. But I can not access git. When I use the Git Bash, I can work with git, but can not compile.
Is there any possibility to:
I would prefere the way I can keep both packages up to date more easily.
Thanks in advance :)
You can add a symbolic link to git in MinGW, if you chose the second option.
So if your msysgit installation is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Git Open the MinGW shell and type:
cd /usr/bin
ln -s /c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Git/bin/git git
This will create a symbolic link called git in MinGW's /usr/bin pointing to the msysgit installation. Then you can use the git command anywhere from the MinGW shell.