Is it possible to run PowerShell scripts as git hooks?
I am running git in a PowerShell prompt, which shouldn't make any difference, but I can't seem to get them to work, as the hooks are named without extensions, and PowerShell needs (AFAIK) the .ps1 extension. I am not sure if that is the issue, or something else.
Thanks, Erick
You can embed PowerShell script directly inside the hook file. Here is an example of a pre-commit
hook I've used:
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
# Verify user's Git config has appropriate email address
if ($env:GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL -notmatch '@(non\.)?acme\.com$') {
Write-Warning "Your Git email address '$env:GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' is not configured correctly."
Write-Warning "It should end with '' or ''."
Write-Warning "Use the command: 'git config --global <[email protected]>' to set it correctly."
exit 1
exit 0
This example requires PowerShell Core but as a result it will run cross-platform (assuming this file has been chmod +x on Linux/macOS).