Jenkins - abort running build if new one is started

kakty3 picture kakty3 · Nov 23, 2016 · Viewed 31.3k times · Source

I use Jenkins and Multibranch Pipeline. I have a job for each active git branch. New build is triggered by push in git repository. What I want is to abort running builds in current branch if new one appears in same branch.

For example: I commit and push to branch feature1. Then BUILD_1 started in Jenkins. I make another commit and push to branch feature1 while BUILD_1 is still running. I want BUILD_1 to be aborted and to start BUILD_2.

I tried to use stage concurrency=x option, and stage-lock-milestone feature, but didn't manage to solve my problem.

Also I've read this thread Stopping Jenkins job in case newer one is started, but there is no solution for my problem.

Do you know any solution to this?


Brandon Squizzato picture Brandon Squizzato · Apr 23, 2019

With Jenkins script security many of the solutions here become difficult since they are using non-whitelisted methods.

With these milestone steps at the start of the Jenkinsfile, this is working for me:

def buildNumber = env.BUILD_NUMBER as int
if (buildNumber > 1) milestone(buildNumber - 1)

The result here would be:

  • Build 1 runs and creates milestone 1
  • While build 1 is running, build 2 fires. It has milestone 1 and milestone 2. It passes milestone 1, which causes build #1 to abort.