On Windows git pull and clone for Google cloud repository pops credential manager dialog box

cherba picture cherba · Mar 31, 2016 · Viewed 7.4k times · Source

Pulling from an existing clone

git pull

or cloning Google cloud repository with gcloud

gcloud source repos clone default my_repo

produces the following dialog box: enter image description here

How do I configure git so that it uses gcloud credentials automatically?


cherba picture cherba · Mar 31, 2016

If you run

C:\> git config --list --system

and get a setting for credential.helper like above, it will have precedence over gcloud installed credential helper.

You can unset it via (possibly as administrator)

C:\> git config --system --unset credential.helper


C:\> gcloud source repos clone default my_repo

should work and

C:\> cd my_repo
C:\my_repo> git config --list

should display
