I want to pass a variable from one task to another, in the same build.gradle file. My first gradle task pulls the last commit message, and I need this message passed to another task. The code is below. Thanks for help in advance.
task gitMsg(type:Exec){
commandLine 'git', 'log', '-1', '--oneline'
standardOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
doLast {
String output = standardOutput.toString()
I want to pass the variable 'output' into the task below.
task notifyTaskUpcoming << {
def to = System.getProperty("to")
def subj = System.getProperty('subj')
def body = "Hello... "
sendmail(to, subj, body)
I want to incorporate the git message into 'body'.
I think global properties should be avoided and gradle offers you a nice way to do so by adding properties to a task:
task task1 {
doLast {
task1.ext.variable = "some value"
task task2 {
dependsOn task1
doLast {