Git: remove leading plus/minus from lines in diff

caleb531 picture caleb531 · Feb 16, 2015 · Viewed 12.4k times · Source

My question is rather simple, though I have had no luck finding an answer.

I'd like to remove the leading plus/minus symbols from each line in git diff. Before you ask why I wish to do this, allow me to outline my reasons:

  1. Lines that are exactly 80 chars will overflow by a single character, which just looks plain awkward
  2. The coloring is enough for me to distinguish between additions/deletions
  3. I'd prefer to keep my Terminal's window width at 80 chars (as opposed to an arbitrary 81 chars) to maintain consistency with everything else I do in my Terminal (outside of git)

Is there some config option for doing this? If not, how can I do this in a way that still allows me to page through my diff less-style?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


smilyface picture smilyface · Dec 9, 2015

The simple way I have seen is this.. Much easy to remember (The text format changes. So you need to know the code change)

git diff --color-words

Here is a way to make it default
If you are using linux add the following command to your ~/.bashrc file
Then you can use gitdiff without space as another command .

alias gitdiff='git diff --color-words'

To set alias directly through git config (Without the help of ~/.bashrc)
Thank you @dylankb for this.

Example: If you enter the command git config --global commit;
then you can use git ci for rest of your life for committing!!

Happy Gitting :)