SmartGIT does not ask for ssh key

Elmi picture Elmi · Jan 22, 2014 · Viewed 23k times · Source

after switching over to a new computer I had to install SmartGIT for Windows again and now try to clone my Keys are stored C:/User/myusername/.ssh, SmartGIT comes with a clean installation and URL for cloning my repository is correct - unfortunately SmartGIT does NOT ask for the key, it just tries to connect to but then of course fails.

So...what could be wrong here? Where do I have to place my ssh keys so that SmartGIT finds and uses it?


Chaitsi Patel picture Chaitsi Patel · May 18, 2018

I had same problem. select option 'Use SmartGit as SSH client' from SmartGit -> Edit-> Preference -> Authentication And it worked.