I have a project that contains many submodules. I want to loop over each submodule with the following command:
git submodule foreach npm install
And I want the script to continue looping over each submodule even if one submodule returns an error (non zero return code). Currently, a non-zero return code from running this command in any submodule will cause git to stop looping over the remaining submodules.
Any recommendations on how to accomplish this?
Just make your command always return a 0
code like so:
git submodule foreach 'npm install || :'
This is taken from the manual: git help submodule
Evaluates an arbitrary shell command in each checked out submodule.
The command has access to the variables $name, $path, $sha1 and
$toplevel: $name is the name of the relevant submodule section in
.gitmodules, $path is the name of the submodule directory relative
to the superproject, $sha1 is the commit as recorded in the
superproject, and $toplevel is the absolute path to the top-level
of the superproject. Any submodules defined in the superproject but
not checked out are ignored by this command. Unless given --quiet,
foreach prints the name of each submodule before evaluating the
command. If --recursive is given, submodules are traversed
recursively (i.e. the given shell command is evaluated in nested
submodules as well). A non-zero return from the command in any
submodule causes the processing to terminate. This can be
overridden by adding || : to the end of the command.
As an example, git submodule foreach 'echo $path `git rev-parse
HEAD`' will show the path and currently checked out commit for each
The command :
from help :
in bash
:: :
Null command.
No effect; the command does nothing.
Exit Status:
Always succeeds.
Always succeeds :)