I have a branch called v2.0
in gerrit. Now I want to the current stat of this branch as v2.0.1
In my local repository I checked out the branch, then added the tag using
git tag v2.0.1
Now I'm trying to push that to gerrit, but I'm not sure how. I tried this:
$ git push origin v2.0.1 HEAD:refs/heads/v2.0
! [remote rejected] v2.0.1 -> v2.0 (prohibited by Gerrit)
How can I push the tag to gerrit?
After some googling, I found the answer:
accepts only annotated tags. It's quite straightforward to create and push an annotated tag:
git checkout v2.0
git tag -am "Adding v2.0.1 tag" v2.0.1
git push origin v2.0.1 HEAD:refs/heads/v2.0