I've run into a problem with my origin/branch being out of sync with my local branch, see below
When I try to PUSH from my local "staging" branch to the origin/staging branch I get the "rejected - non-fast-forward" error.
I use Eclipse with the EGit module on a windows PC.
From another post here I see that I can resolve my issue with the "git push --force origin staging" to over-ride the origin/staging branch with my local branch.
However, I don't see that option with EGit, and I don't see how to open a console in EGit to do this?
Does anyone know if I can do this within EGit?
OK - fixed my own issue. It appears I had issues with Commits that had not been Pushed back to origin/staging. Found an overview here on using the "git reset XXX : without --hard" which resets the branch marker, but keeps the local changes for later recommits.
Thanks, Jason
I have just come across a similar issue and here's what I did: