Top "Git-tag" questions

git-tag is the Git command used to create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG.

Git - rebasing to a particular tag

(This seems like it should be very easy to do, yet I'm coming up empty on searches so far.) I …

git rebase git-rebase git-tag
Git tag for a subfolder of a repository

I use Git to import a SVN repository. Then I created my own project as a subfolder in the repository. …

git svn git-svn git-tag
How can I tell if a given git tag is annotated or lightweight?

I type git tag and it lists my current tags: 1.2.3 1.2.4 How can I determine which of these is annotated, and …

git git-tag
Teamcity - Create git tag after successful build

How can I create a git tag after successful build in Team City?

git teamcity git-tag
What happen to Git tags pointing to a removed commit

Say I do the following: Create branch X Create Tag t (to branch X) Push Remove branch X What happen …

git git-branch git-tag
git tag fails with $'\226git': command not found

I'm using Git BASH in windows 7 and I try to create a tag: git tag -a v2.44.13 -m "[before prod] …

git-bash git-tag
Use GitHub Actions to create a tag but not a release

Currently on my GitHub repository, I have the following workflow that releases a nightly snapshot every day, and uses the …

github github-api github-actions git-tag github-release
remote tag not shown in local

I am new to using git and tags. My team member ran the following commands: git tag v1.27.1 git push …

git git-tag
Git: distinguish between local and remote tags

If there are tags in the remote repository, I'm usually getting them automatically when pulling. When I delete the created …

git tags git-tag
Push tag without push commit to remote repository with TortoiseGit

A console git client has a git push origin <tag_name> command for pushing a tag without commit …

git tortoisegit git-tag