Top "Git-rebase" questions

With the git-rebase command, you can take the changes from one branch and replay them on top of another branch.

Convert merge into rebase without having to perform the merge again

I made a mistake: I should have used git pull --rebase, but I issued a simple git pull, merged everything …

git git-merge git-rebase git-pull
How do I use Git's interactive rebase with a local-only repository (no remote / origin)?

I use git as a local source control system mostly for history and diff tracking. I still want to use …

git branch rebase git-rebase remote-branch
Why does git show a conflict between two apparently identical added files?

I have a project that was started in TFS, then moved to Git. Unfortunately, the guy who moved it to …

git git-rebase merge-conflict-resolution git-cherry-pick
How to retain commit gpg-signature after interactive rebase squashing?

When I want to squash some commits by interactive rebase: git rebase -i HEAD~3 And then: pick cbd03e3 Final …

git version-control git-rebase gnupg
Github rebase upstream/master with origin/master

I'm rather new to github social coding and are having trouble following github guidelines. I'll try to describe what happened …

git github git-rebase github-for-windows
Abort Interactive Rebase when VSCode is set as the Git Editor

I've set VSCode to be my git editor as detailed here. When I try to do: git rebase HEAD~3 -i …

visual-studio-code git-rebase git-interactive-rebase
How to identify conflicting commits by hash during git rebase?

When I encounter a merge conflict using git rebase, how can I identify the source of the conflict in terms …

git merge git-rebase
How to rebase a branch off a rebased branch?

So my history looks like this: o---o---o---o master \ o---o---o A \ o B So, to explain: I have branch A which …

git branch rebase git-rebase
Git rebase from one branch to another

I have the following case : K---L new-feature / H---I---J dev-team1 / E---F---G dev-main / A---B---C---D master And I want to move only the …

git branch git-branch git-rebase git-interactive-rebase