Top "Git-pull" questions

Fetches changes from a remote repository and incorporates them into the current branch of a Git repository.

Do a Git pull to overwrite local changes

There has certainly been posts around for this, but I actually did a commit because I thought it was the …

git versioning commit pull git-pull
Can I tell git pull to overwrite instead of merge?

As far as I see, git pull someRemote master tries to merge the remote branch into mine. Is there a …

git git-pull
Where are the pull/push commands in GitHub for Windows client?

I've been using GitHub for Mac for a while and was about to help a colleague install it on Windows. …

git github git-pull github-for-windows
why git stash cannot abandon the changes made just now?

i forked a project from github, and the origin point to my own github repo, remote point to its original …

git github git-pull merge-conflict-resolution git-stash
Git pull from someone else's fork

We are two students working on our online repository (different repo) that is forked from a common upstream repo. Let's …

git git-commit git-push git-pull git-fork
git pull says up-to-date but git push rejects non-fast forward

I've just pulled a new branch, made some local changes, committed and tried to push. I was given this error: ! […

git git-push git-pull
Why does git log not show anything new after git fetch?

I am learning about working with Git remotes by reading the relevant section of the Pro Git Book. If you …

git git-pull git-fetch
How can I fast-forward a single git commit, programmatically?

I periodically get message from git that look like this: Your branch is behind the tracked remote branch 'local-master/master' …

git git-pull fast-forward
How to fix git repository broken by interrupted git fetch?

If git fetch gets interrupted for example by Ctrl-C or caused by connectivity problems, after that git fetch and also …

git git-pull git-fetch
git pull --rebase vs git rebase : what's the danger?

I don't understand the difference between git pull --rebase and git rebase, without any other options. I don't understand if …

git git-rebase git-pull