I made a change in gerrit which was code reviewed and after 7 revisions approved. But, now it cannot be merged and trying to rebase in gerrit website is not working due to merge conflict. How can I resolve this merge conflict and merge the same approved change and not create a new one. (Full steps from cloning the repo would be appreciated.)
1) Clone the Gerrit repository
2) Go to the change page on Gerrit and copy the checkout patch command
git fetch https://USER@GERRIT-SERVER/a/REPO-FULL-PATHNAME refs/changes/XX/YYYYY/Z && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
3) Rebase the change
git rebase origin/BRANCH
4) Solve the conflicts
git mergetool
5) Continue the rebase
git rebase --continue
Repeat the steps 4 and 5 until the end of conflicts
git commit --amend
Note: Keep the same Change-Id
6) Send the new patchset to Gerrit
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/BRANCH