Top "Git-log" questions

Shows the commit logs of a Git repo

View git changes/diffs of local commits not pushed to remote

I have three Git commits that I committed locally, but have not pushed to GitHub. I would like to view …

git git-commit git-log
Broken branch in git, fatal: your current branch appears to be broken

Here is my case: I was working on one branch. Pushed new commits to the remote. Switched back to the …

git git-branch fatal-error git-log blue-screen-of-death
How do I get a "git log" patch for a specific commit

If I have a commit hash that has not yet been pushed to origin, how can I generate a patch …

git version-control patch git-log
git: how to see changes due to push?

I can't quite figure out how to see what exactly was changed, in the remote repository, by a 'push'. 'git …

git git-push git-log
Difference between git-log and git-whatchanged?

Given this answer to another question, and given that the man pages for both git-log and git-whatchanged say they pull …

git git-log
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by X commits. How to find the X commits?

I was checking the X commits using the following command: git log --author=<my-name> -<X> …

git git-commit git-log
Git log rebases

I know that GIT rebases will rewrite the history -- i.e. the commit ids will change. However, Is there …

git git-rebase git-log
git log -p vs. git show vs. git diff

How are the commands git log -p, git show, and git diff related and why would one be used over …

git git-diff git-log git-show
How to get Git log with short stat in one line?

Following command outputs following lines of text on console git log --pretty=format:"%h;%ai;%s" --shortstat ed6e0ab;2014…

git shell text-processing git-log text-manipulation
How to do a 'git log' in the Windows Git Gui?

I just used the Git Gui to clone a local repo from GitHub, and then I checked out a certain …

git git-log git-gui