Top "Git-filter-branch" questions

git filter-branch is a native Git tool used to extensively rewrite branches, and is often used to remove unwanted large or secret files from Git repository history.

Detach many subdirectories into a new, separate Git repository

This question is based on Detach subdirectory into separate Git repository Instead of detaching a single subdirectory, I want to …

git git-filter-branch
How can I move a directory in a Git repo for all commits?

Let's say I have a repo that includes this directory structure: repo/ blog/ _posts/ some-post.html another-file.txt I want …

git git-filter-branch
git, filter-branch on all branches

I'm using the following sources to expunge some large files and directories from my repository: Why …

git git-filter-branch git-rewrite-history
Git: split pull request into smaller PR's based upon the new directories in the pull request

I have a monolith of a feature branch. Instead of one massive PR into master I would like to split …

git github git-filter-branch
Split large Git repository into many smaller ones

After successfully converting an SVN repository to Git, I now have a very large Git repository that I want to …

git split repository git-filter-branch
Git - remove commits with empty changeset using filter-branch

How do I remove commits which have no changeset using git filter-branch? I rewrote my git history using: git filter-branch …

git git-filter-branch
How to move a file from one git repository to another while preserving history

I am trying to move a single file (call it foo.txt) from one repository to another (unrelated) repository, preserving …

git git-filter-branch
Change Git Author Information in Visual Studio

I have a team project in Visual Studio Team Services and I'm using git as a version control system. Is …

git visual-studio azure-devops git-filter-branch
Running filter-branch over a range of commits

git filter-branch --env-filter ' export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="[email protected]" export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="foo"' -- commita..commitb …

git git-filter-branch
How to substitute text from files in git history?

I've always used an interface based git client (smartGit) and thus don't have much experience with the git console. However, …

git substitution git-filter-branch git-rewrite-history bfg-repo-cleaner