Top "Git-checkout" questions

Checkout a branch or file to the current working tree in a Git repo.

How can I print the log for a branch other than the current one?

I'm on a branch with some changes. Changing branch is a pain as some files are locked by processes, so …

git branch git-checkout git-log git-stash
Problems with corrupt git repo

My git repo got corrupted while running a find and replace command (See here: Git reset failing after find and …

git git-checkout
What's the difference among "git fetch && git checkout" versus "git checkout" only?

Should do we always do as: git fetch && git checkout Or only, git checkout ? For example when doing …

git git-checkout git-fetch
Is there a way to use wildcards with git checkout?

What I would like to do is to checkout a single file or a set of files with a common …

git wildcard git-checkout
What's the difference between git switch and git checkout <branch>

Git 2.23 introduces a new command git switch -- after reading the docs, it seems pretty much the same as git …

git git-checkout git-switch
Git change branch when file of same name is present

I have in my git repo, a file named xyz. Coincidently, I also have a branch named xyz. Presently I …

git git-branch git-checkout
Fetch a single tag from remote repository

This command fetches all tags: git fetch origin --tags This command fetches a specific tag: git fetch origin refs/tags/1.0.0 …

git git-checkout git-tag git-fetch
git checkout -- <files> doesn't discard changes?

I have changes in my working directory that I'm trying to discard (reset to the current indexed version of the …

macos git git-checkout
Restore deleted file not staged in git

I accidentally removed the entire directory of my source code...with a nice rm -r. I know, really bad; but …

git git-checkout rm git-revert git-rm
Why is the git command to switch branches named "git checkout"?

Why is the git command to switch branches named git checkout? Does it really make sense ? I would name it …

git git-checkout