Top "Git-bash" questions

Git Bash is a bash shell bundled with Git for Windows that enables use of Git from the command line.

Invoking notepad++ from Git Bash

I am using msysgit in Windows 7. How do I invoke notepad++ from Git Bash, like we do it with our …

windows command-line notepad++ msysgit git-bash
Pageant does not load SSH-2 key generated with GitBash

The implementation of key handling with (Tortoise)Git for Windows confuses me. As far as I understood, you can implement …

git-bash private-key openssh plink pageant
Cygwin or Git Bash command window?

I'm new to Git. I downloaded Git and installed on my Windows. I saw Git provides a Git Bash command …

git cygwin git-bash
How to fix 'The project you were looking for could not be found' when using git clone

I am trying to clone a project from gitlab to my local machine. I have been granted rights as a …

git gitlab project git-bash cloning
How to iterate through all git branches using bash script

How can I iterate through all the local branches in my repository using bash script. I need to iterate and …

git bash git-bash
Extend $PATH variable in git bash under Windows

I'm trying to extend my $PATH variable in git bash (MinGW shell) by adding the following to the file ~/.bashrc …

path mingw git-bash
"Git Bash here" isn't working when right clicking

I dunno how that happened but before today I could right click on any folder and there would be and …

right-click git-bash
How to use Windows network paths with Git Bash

Paths to network resources are denoted in Windows with the \\servername\share\path\to\folder syntax. How does one use …

windows path git-bash
Execute commands from .bat file on Git Bash Terminal

I am newbie to Git bash. Just out of curiosity trying to make a .bat file which contains commands(Dont …

git git-bash
Why does git pull hang?

When I do a git pull, from the git bash, the terminal usually runs the pull, updates my local, and …

git git-bash git-pull