Top "Gherkin" questions

Gherkin is the language used to write specifications for Cucumber, Specflow and similar BDD frameworks.

Behave: Writing a Scenario Outline with dynamic examples

Gherkin / Behave Examples Gherkin syntax features test automation using examples: Feature: Scenario Outline (tutorial04) Scenario Outline: Use Blender with <…

cucumber gherkin python-behave
Are Cucumber and Gherkin alternatives to Mocha and Chai? Can Mocha and Chai be used with Java code?

If someone can point out any other source on StackOverflow etc. where more info about this exists, even that will …

cucumber mocha.js bdd chai gherkin
How do I resolve a Cucumber 'can't load such file' warning?

I'm trying to work through 'The Cucumber Book', but Cucumber is not behaving as expected. I'm on Windows 7 (32-bit), and …

ruby windows cucumber gherkin
How can I make specflow cope nicely with dates/times?

I wish to be able to write tests like this: Background: Given a user signs up for a 30 day account …

.net specflow gherkin
Should Gherkin scenario always have When step?

When defining scenarios in Gherkin sometimes there is no clear distinction between Given and When steps, i.e. there is …

cucumber bdd gherkin
Node.js BDD. Cucumber, gherkin, or cucumis?

I want to start using BDD for one of my Node.js projects. Looking at the Node.js wiki, I …

node.js cucumber gherkin