Anything related to C or C++ standard library functions gets (C) or std::gets (C++). These functions are used to read a sequence of characters from an input stream and to write it into a character buffer as a string.
Coderbyte is an online coding challenge site (I found it just 2 minutes ago). The first C++ challenge you are greeted …
c++ input gets standards-complianceI have a program written in C and it calls gets() from a switch when a user chooses the option …
c getsI used to use gets but then I heard that it got removed from c11 and that its overall very …
c fgets getsI am new to Buffer Overflow exploits and I started with a simple C program. Code #include <stdio.h&…
c buffer-overflow exploit gets#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int i; char c, text[30]; float f; printf("\nEnter …
c gets