Top "Getch" questions

Questions relating to the use of the DOS getch() function

Equivalent to Windows getch() for Mac/Linux crashes

I am using getch() and my app crashes instantly. Including when doing: int main() { getch(); } I can't find the link …

c macos crash getch
Python Windows `msvcrt.getch()` only detects every 3rd keypress?

My code is below: import msvcrt while True: if msvcrt.getch() == 'q': print "Q was pressed" elif msvcrt.getch() == 'x': …

python python-2.7 msvcrt event-loop getch
What exactly getch() does in C?

I thought (upto now) that the function of getch() reads a character from input buffer (or keyboard, to be simple). …

c turbo-c getch
Why getch() returns before press any key?

int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *env[]) { printf("Press any key to exit.\n"); getch(); return 0; } According to the …

c linux getch
Non blocking getch()

I'm trying to make Tetris game in standard console. I need non-blocking getch(), so the blocks can fall without pressing …

c++ getch
Problem with kbhit()[and getch()] for Linux

while(ch != 'q') { printf("looping\n"); sleep(1); if(kbhit()) { ch = readch(); printf("you hit %c\n",ch); } } This code gives …

c console inputstream getch
Python input single character without enter

What I am trying to do is make a simple pi memorization game in Python. What I need is a …

python curses msvcrt getch
(Python Beginner's Help) getch?

I am making a game. I want people to run then they come across a little menu with …

python getch
Linux equivalent for conio.h getch()

Previously I use c++/c compilers on windows which support the #include <conio.h> header file but on …

c++ linux getch
How to have password echoed as asterisks

I'm trying make a login window where a user is prompted to enter their Username and Password, although when the …

python passwords echo msvcrt getch