Top "Get" questions

GET is one of many request methods supported by the HTTP protocol.

Multi-select to Array

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>My Form</title> <meta …

php arrays select get multiple-select
Unexpected end of JSON input in Http get request from Angular 2 to Codeigniter

Angular 2 with Codeigniter Hello World Program running perfectly. But I am getting error "Unexpected end of JSON input" while sending …

json angular get codeigniter-3
How to get current seed from C++ rand()?

I generate a few thousand object in my program based on the C++ rand() function. Keeping them in the memory …

c++ random get seed
Node JS: Automatic selection of `http.get` vs `https.get`

I have a Node JS app that needs to download a file, given a URL at run-time. The URL may …

node.js get
Android HTTP GET parameters

I'm using the apache http library and need to know how to add a parameter to an HTTP GET request. …

android apache http get query-parameters
How to extract data from Tumblr API (JSON)?

I have set up a Tumblr account and registered my application to authenticate it. Tumblr Documentation:…

json api get tumblr
send header value using HttpUrlConnection

I have trying to send response to server using authentication value which, it provides me at login time. The server …

android get httpurlconnection http-token-authentication
Get woocommerce product price on php page

I've tried it a long long time to get the price from a specific product on a php file but …

php wordpress get woocommerce price
Is HttpWebRequest or Webclient faster

I need to GET contents of a specific URL. It's a simple and straightforward task, though I want is as …

c# get httpwebrequest webclient
PHP Using cURL and GET request with a header

There are slimier questions in the past like below. How do I send a GET request with a header from …

php curl get line-api