Top "Geospatial" questions

pertaining to the geographic location and characteristics of natural or constructed features and boundaries on, above, or below the earth's surface; esp.

delphi read xml element

I'm new to XML and we need to do GeoCoding with the new Bing Spatial Data API. I've managed to …

xml delphi geospatial bing-api
How does a geospatial index work?

I'm wondering how a geospatial index, such as the one used by MongoDB, works. Can anyone explain what data structure/…

indexing geospatial
Algorithm to calculate the distances between many geo points

I have a matrix having around 1000 geospatial points(Longitude, Latitude) and i am trying to find the points that are …

algorithm google-maps google-maps-api-3 geometry geospatial
R - stuck with plot() - Colouring shapefile polygons based upon a slot value

I have a shapefile showing remote areas in Australia, obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics:…

r geospatial shapefile
MYSQL Geo Search having distance performance

I have a mysql select statement for a search on my website which is having performance problems when the site …

mysql geospatial bounding-box
How to look up elevation data by lat/lng

I am planning an app that will need the ability to look up the elevation of geographic points by lat/…

ruby google-maps gis geospatial
MongoDB $geoNear aggregation pipeline (using query option and using $match pipeline operation) giving different no of results

I am using a $geoNear as the first step in the aggregation framework. I need to filter out the results …

mongodb geospatial 2dsphere
Applying the python-geohash encode function on a dataframe

I am trying to apply the encode function to a dataframe. I keep meeting a ValueError: >>> import …

python python-3.x pandas geospatial geohashing
SQL 2008 geography & geometry - which to use?

I'm creating a Google map mashup and am using SQL 2008. I will have a large number of points on the …

sql-server-2008 geometry geospatial geography
Python module for storing and querying geographical coordinates

Is there a Python module where I can create objects with a geographical location coordinate (latitude and longitude), and query …

python geolocation coordinates geospatial geographic-distance