Top "Geom-bar" questions

`geom_bar` is the geometric object description for creating a barplot in `ggplot2`

ggplot2: geom_bar with group, position_dodge and fill

I am trying to generate a barplot such that the x-axes is by patient with each patient having multiple samples. …

r ggplot2 geom-bar
R ggplot geom_bar Error: Discrete value supplied to continuous scale

I have proportion response data for 4 experimental groups, with 2 different statistics computed for each group. I want the following figure (…

r ggplot2 geom-bar
ggplot geom_bar: meaning of aes(group = 1)

I am learning geom_bar on section 3.7 of I run a code like this: library(…

r ggplot2 geom-bar
Order categorical data in a stacked bar plot with ggplot2

I have a matrix with the following entries: dput(MilDis[1:200,]) structure(list(hhDomMil = c("HED", "ETB", "HED", "ETB", "PER", "BUM", "…

r ggplot2 geom-bar
How to set Bin Width With geom_bar stat="identity" in a time Series plot?

I would like to plot a time series using bar charts and have the Bin Width set to 0.9. I cannot …

r ggplot2 time-series geom-bar
How to increase the space between grouped bars in ggplot2?

[Data and code to produce plot at the end of the post] Using ggplot, I plotted a bargraph with error …

r ggplot2 geom-bar aesthetics
ggplot2: Change color for each facet in bar chart

I have a faceted bar chart done with ggplot2 with this code: ggplot(data_long, aes(x=region, y=wert)) + …

r colors ggplot2 facet geom-bar
Generate paired stacked bar charts in ggplot (using position_dodge only on some variables)

I'm hoping to use ggplot2 to generate a set of stacked bars in pairs, much like this: With the following …

r ggplot2 position geom-bar
ggplot2 (Barplot + LinePlot) - Dual Y axis

I am having a really hard time recreating an excel example with ggplot2. I have tried numerous examples but for …

r plot ggplot2 geom-bar yaxis
R: Adding number of observation on the barplot with geom_text

I know that this question has been asked very often, but I tried all the method I found and none …

r ggplot2 geom-bar geom-text