Top "Geolocation" questions

Geolocation is the identification of the real-world geographic location of an object, such as a cell phone or an Internet-connected computer terminal.

About Geolocation in HTML 5

Google Maps can now pinpoint my location with street precision with the help of Firefox. I understand this is a …

firefox google-maps html geolocation wifi
Plot Geo-Locations on Worldmap with Matlab

I am trying to mark a few thousands of geo-locations on the world-map with matlab. I have the latitudes and …

geolocation plot matlab matlab-figure
How can I get the user's IP while using both CloudFlare and MaxMind's GeoIP with mod_geoip?

CloudFlare provides the user's country from the originating IP but I need location on a city level so I've added …

apache .htaccess geolocation geoip cloudflare
Windows Phone 8.1 location-tracking

I want to realize an App that continuously send device's position to a web service. Looking in the documentation, I've …

c# windows-phone-8 windows-runtime geolocation windows-phone-8.1
Mongodb : Check if a point is inside a stored polygon

I'm new to the mongodb geolocation features. I stored some polygons that represent the country borders in a database along …

mongodb geolocation polygon
Network location provider not giving location android

I am developing a small android application in which I want to find out the user's current location by using …

android geolocation location-provider
Calculating Speed for a navigation app without getSpeed() method

I am developing an app which is more of a time-shift racing between your friends. I need to calculate speed …

android geolocation gps android-location android-navigation
HTML 5 geolocation POSITION UNAVAILABLE error in mobile

i am trying to get user current position in mobile web application my app work in all android telephone device …

html google-maps google-maps-api-3 geolocation w3c-geolocation
Android Geofencing (Polygon)

How to create Polygon Geofence from multiple geo locations(long,lat values) . Also how to track user is entering into …

android geolocation geofencing
Python module for storing and querying geographical coordinates

Is there a Python module where I can create objects with a geographical location coordinate (latitude and longitude), and query …

python geolocation coordinates geospatial geographic-distance