Geolocation is the identification of the real-world geographic location of an object, such as a cell phone or an Internet-connected computer terminal.
Ive noticed that modern html5 based geolocation always asks the user "do you want to share your location with this …
javascript geolocation location zipcodeI implemented the "bearing" formula from But it seems highly inaccurate - …
java geolocation bearingI am trying to use Android's LocationManager requestLocationUpdates. Everything is working until I try to extract the actual location object …
android geolocation intentfilter android-intentI need to determine a person's location within 50m. I'm wondering if I should use navigator.location.watchPostion() or call …
javascript iphone google-maps geolocation iphone-web-appMy smartphone reports my location to Google (to G+ and to the Android Device Manager). I'd like to read that …
android geolocation google-api google-latitudeHow to get country name in Android, If are known geo coordinates? How to make it the simplest way?
android google-maps geolocation gpsI am creating a certain function that can give me information regarding the ISS (International Space Station) and a given …
python python-3.x geolocation nominatimI am trying to integrate hibernate spatial with JPA for Geo searches. I have been referencing the tutorial on the …
java hibernate jpa geolocation geospatialI am calling this function once I get the addressString: [[self geocoder] geocodeAddressString:addressString completionHandler:^(NSArray *placemarks, NSError *error) { if (…
ios objective-c geolocation cllocation clgeocoderWhat are the available (best) ruby IP-based geolocation gem/plugins? How do they compare to one another in terms of …
ruby-on-rails ruby rubygems geolocation ruby-on-rails-plugins