ADFS v2.0 Error : MSIS7042: The same client browser session has made '6' requests in the last '1' seconds

Kevin Hoffman picture Kevin Hoffman · Apr 14, 2010 · Viewed 23.1k times · Source

Folks, I've got an ASP.NET MVC application that I am attempting to secure using the Release Candidate version of ADFS v2.0 (Geneva). I have configured the application as a relying party trust, and I've used Fedutil.exe to modify the application's Web.config so that it has the information about the Geneva server and uses the Geneva server as its claims source.

However, when I try and hit the MVC app, it redirects to Geneva, which then (after warning me about self-signed certs) re-directs me to the MVC app again. After accepting both self-signed cert warnings, the two servers play ping-pong with each other in an infinite redirect loop until finally Geneva spews the following message:

The same client browser session has made '6' requests in the last '1' seconds. There could be a possible bad configuration. Contact your administrator for details.

There are no errors in the event logs on the MVC side or on Geneva except for an event containing the above message. If someone could give me some information on how to try and debug, diagnose, and hopefully fix this problem, I would be eternally grateful.

Again, the Geneva box is the ADFS v2.0 Release Candidate and the ASP.NET MVC site was built using the latest (late '09) version of the Windows Identity Foundation SDK with Web.config modified using FedUtil.exe from the WIF SDK.

So you will all get a kick out of this... I tried this same application from Firefox and ... IT WORKS. I get prompted for my domain credentials, the ADFS v2 server re-directs me ONCE and then I end up on the home page of my application, complete with my account name and personalized greeting. So now the real issue is this: Why the hell is IE8 getting caught in an infinite redirect loop and Firefox ISN'T ?? After even further testing, I've been able to get this scenario working, out of the box, without modification of any of the default pipeline stuff from ADFS v2 (RC) or from WIF (RTW) on BOTH Safari AND Firefox. IE8 is the ONLY browser to exhibit any problem dealing with this authentication scenario. I've tried everything, including installing and trusting the self-signed certs, adding the sites to my local intranet zone and dropping security to low and even setting first AND third party cookies to always allow.


Manu Sharma picture Manu Sharma · Oct 13, 2010

I had the same issue with ADFS 1.0 And to resolve it, I made sure that the URL had a trailing forward slash "/" that would always work in FireFox as well as IE

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