Top "Gd" questions

GD Library is used to dynamically create and manipulate image files.

Why do I get "Could not find gdlib-config in the search path" when I try to install GD::Polygon, even though gdlib-config is installed?

I'm trying to install GD::Polygon by running cpan install GD::Polygon, but I get the following error: **UNRECOVERABLE ERROR** …

perl gd cpan gdlib
Combine two images (.JPG) using PHP GD

I can't find a solution to this. I want to add 20px empty space to this image: http://img233.imageshack.…

php image gd jpeg watermark
Why there is imageCreateFrom* if there is imageCreateFromString?

I really can't understand why GD has different function for loading images such like: imagecreatefromjpeg() imagecreatefrompng() imagecreatefromgif() While there is …

php image gd
JpGraph: How to control x/y offset, margins and color in v3.5.0b1 when using AccBarPlot?

A little background I am attempting to migrate a project built with Symfony 1.2 from one server to another. One of …

php graph gd jpgraph symfony-1.2
PHP GD, imagecreatefromstring( ); how to get the image dimensions?

Normally I use imagecreatefromjpeg() and then getimagesize(), but with Firefox 3 I need to go round this different. So now im …

php image upload gd
Resize images with transparency in php

I have looked all over for how to correctly manage alpha when I'm resizing a png. I've managed to get …

php resize png gd alpha
How to prevent having the "is not a valid image file" error when using GD function imagecreatefrom* in php?

I am using imagecreatefromgif / imagecreatefromjpeg / imagecreatefromjpeg functions with uploaded images and sometimes get an error (e.g. Warning: imagecreatefromgif(): ... is …

php image gd imagecreatefrompng
How to delete transparent color in images?

What is the best way to replace transparent colors with white in gif and png images with php? // get transparent …

php image gd