Top "Gcov" questions

gcov is a code coverage tool for GCC

How to do code coverage on embedded

I write a project for a non POSIX embedded system so I cannot use gcc option --coverage (i don't have …

embedded code-coverage gcov
Crossprofiling with gcov, but GCOV_PREFIX and GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP is ignored

I want to use GCOV to make code coverage but the tests will run on another machine. So the hard …

c gcc gcov
Is it possible to merge coverage data from two executables with gcov/gcovr?

On one project, I'm running the test cases on three different executables, compiled with different options. Depending on the options, …

g++ code-coverage gcov gcovr
Can gcc/gcov be made to output coverage stats to a location other than the source folder?

When using gcc with -fprofile-arcs and -ftest-coverage, when the resulting executable terminates, it tries to create .gcda output files in …

gcc gcov code-coverage
Is it possible to measure function coverage with gcov?

Currently we use gcov with our testing suite for Linux C++ application and it does a good job at measuring …

c++ unit-testing code-coverage gcov
What's the best C++ code coverage tool that works with templates?

I have used gcov for testing code coverage, but when it comes to templated c++ code it doesn't work so …

c++ multithreading templates code-coverage gcov
Why doesn't gcov report any lines being covered by my unit tests?

I am using Xcode 3.2 on 10.6, with the shipped version of gcov and default GCC compiler (both version 4.2.1). I have created …

cocoa xcode code-coverage ocunit gcov
Is there anyway to merge two gcov files into one

I am using gcov for coverage test in macosx platform. I finish the configuration for xcode by set: 1. Build Settings ==&…

code-coverage gcov
undefined reference to `__gcov_flush'

I am trying same, Code from the link, #include <iostream> …

c++ flush gcov