Keil vs GCC for ARM7?

c0m4 picture c0m4 · Aug 4, 2009 · Viewed 12.6k times · Source

How does Keil compare to GCC for ARM7 development? I'm in the process of choosing hw consultants for a medium size project and some use keil and some use gcc. I'd like to know the gotchas involved in going with either option...


Gerhard picture Gerhard · Aug 4, 2009

There is very little difference between the two from a coding/development standpoint. The only thing I think you should consider is not specific to these compiler. Maintenance:

  • Will you be able to maintain the software if you do not have access to the Keil compiler or will it be a minor cost?
  • Also what debughardware/JTAG is supported and what will the cost be if you need to get some?
  • What will the cost be if you have to move from one compiler to other compiler due to having to switch developers later?

Unless you are very cost sensitive I think the real question is who will do the best job since the compiler will be a minor problem.