I want to be able to POST a SOAP request with a configurable value found in my Gatling source. Therefore, I have the following XML ELFileBody stored in the file "request.xml"
I understand that the variable cardNumber must be added to session. There is plenty documentation stating that this is necessary. However, I have found no complete examples on how this is done correctly in the context of an execution.
Given the following Gradle 2.1 code:
class GetBlacklistStatus extends Simulation {
val cardNumber="12345"
object GetBlacklistStatus {
val soap = exec(http("SOAP Request")
.basicAuth("testUSER", "testPASSWORD")
val httpConf = http
.proxy(Proxy("localhost", 8888))
.userAgentHeader("Gradle TEST")
val users= scenario("user").exec(GetBlacklistStatus.soap)
users.inject(rampUsers(10) over (10 seconds))
How can I put the declared value cardNumber into the session before the POST?
I am aware that I could use a mechanism such as a feeder to move values into the session for me, but I want to do it directly and hopefully learn something in the process.