Table name as a PostgreSQL function parameter

John Doe picture John Doe · May 22, 2012 · Viewed 83.4k times · Source

I want to pass a table name as a parameter in a Postgres function. I tried this code:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION some_f(param character varying) RETURNS integer 
AS $$
    IF EXISTS (select * from quote_ident($1) where quote_ident($1).id=1) THEN
     return 1;
    END IF;
    return 0;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

select some_f('table_name');

And I got this:

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "."
LINE 4: ...elect * from quote_ident($1) where quote_ident($1).id=1)...

********** Error **********

ERROR: syntax error at or near "."

And here is the error I got when changed to this select * from quote_ident($1) tab where

ERROR:  column does not exist
LINE 1: ...T EXISTS (select * from quote_ident($1) tab where

Probably, quote_ident($1) works, because without the where quote_ident($1).id=1 part I get 1, which means something is selected. Why may the first quote_ident($1) work and the second one not at the same time? And how could this be solved?


Erwin Brandstetter picture Erwin Brandstetter · May 23, 2012

This can be further simplified and improved:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION some_f(_tbl regclass, OUT result integer)
    LANGUAGE plpgsql AS
   EXECUTE format('SELECT (EXISTS (SELECT FROM %s WHERE id = 1))::int', _tbl)
   INTO result;

Call with schema-qualified name (see below):

SELECT some_f('myschema.mytable');  -- would fail with quote_ident()


SELECT some_f('"my very uncommon table name"');

Major points

  • Use an OUT parameter to simplify the function. You can directly select the result of the dynamic SQL into it and be done. No need for additional variables and code.

  • EXISTS does exactly what you want. You get true if the row exists or false otherwise. There are various ways to do this, EXISTS is typically most efficient.

  • You seem to want an integer back, so I cast the boolean result from EXISTS to integer, which yields exactly what you had. I would return boolean instead.

  • I use the object identifier type regclass as input type for _tbl. That does everything quote_ident(_tbl) or format('%I', _tbl) would do, but better, because:

  • .. it prevents SQL injection just as well.

  • .. it fails immediately and more gracefully if the table name is invalid / does not exist / is invisible to the current user. (A regclass parameter is only applicable for existing tables.)

  • .. it works with schema-qualified table names, where a plain quote_ident(_tbl) or format(%I) would fail because they cannot resolve the ambiguity. You would have to pass and escape schema and table names separately.

  • I still use format(), because it simplifies the syntax (and to demonstrate how it's used), but with %s instead of %I. Typically, queries are more complex so format() helps more. For the simple example we could as well just concatenate:

      EXECUTE 'SELECT (EXISTS (SELECT FROM ' || _tbl || ' WHERE id = 1))::int'
  • No need to table-qualify the id column while there is only a single table in the FROM list. No ambiguity possible in this example. (Dynamic) SQL commands inside EXECUTE have a separate scope, function variables or parameters are not visible there - as opposed to plain SQL commands in the function body.

Here's why you always escape user input for dynamic SQL properly:

db<>fiddle here demonstrating SQL injection
Old sqlfiddle