Top "Ftp-server" questions

Server for the File Transfer Protocol (FTP), a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network.

500 OOPS: vsftpd: not configured for standalone, must be started from inetd

i'm have a problem when intall vsftpd using mac port,when i wanna to start service of vsftp with sudo /…

macports ftp-server
Testing FTPS and SFTP through any online server

I am working on a module which provides FTPS and SFTP service. To verify the working of my service, i …

java testing sftp ftps ftp-server
Python ftplib.error_perm: 530 Login authentication failed

I want to write a script to connect my FTP server , but it can not work for me. from ftplib …

python ftp-server
What should be the FTP response to PASV command

i'm writing an FTP server, but i don't understand the PASV command, any server sends a response like this: 227 Entering …

ftp ftp-server
Is an FTP error (503 Bad sequence of commands) the result of a client issue or a server issue

I have an FTP server running on an AWS virtual server. We have about 100 users connecting to it over the …

ftp filezilla ftp-server
How does a FTP server resume a download?

I've been reading about the FTP protocol, but I cannot find in the protocol commands this feature that allows you …

sockets ftp ftp-server
Filezilla FTP server - change directory gets failed from client (command-prompt, java)

I had setup Filezilla FTP server in my PC and tried to ftp from local machine itself. I could connect, …

windows ftp command-prompt filezilla ftp-server
Accessing FTP Server using a specific IP Address

I want to access a FTP Server, that is firewall protected meaning only IP addresses that have been added to …

ftp download ftp-server