Top "Frontend" questions

The user-facing part of an application.

Why am I getting ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT in Vue.js?

After creating a new project with vue cli 3 I get this error: GET net::ERR_CONNECTION_…

vue.js frontend vue-cli-3
Is there a way to secure an API key on a frontend page?

My service allow any HTML documents to be converted to PDF using a POST request. It is mostly used on …

api frontend
Unused css - how do you clean it up?

Probably any experienced web developer would be familiar with this problem: over time your css files can grow pretty huge …

javascript ruby-on-rails css optimization frontend
IE11 VM is no longer available for download - what are the other testing options?

It seems that the IE11 VM is no longer available from (why???) …

internet-explorer frontend internet-explorer-11 microsoft-edge ie11-developer-tools
Google Translate widget - responsive

On my Web page I put translate widget when i resize browsers widged does not change size I tried change …

web responsive-design frontend google-translate web-frontend
AngularJS routing vs backend routing

I would like to use AngularJS in my next project. The application with Python backend and html5, Angular frontend. I …

angularjs url-routing frontend backend
What is the use of `self.Clients.claim()`

To register a service worker, I can call navigator.serviceWorker.register('/worker.js') Every time the page loads it …

javascript frontend offline service-worker offline-caching
How to use requirejs with zepto

I can't seem to get zepto to work with requirejs. Here are my files main.js require.config({ paths: { zepto: …

javascript backbone.js requirejs zepto frontend
Expose javascript globals bundled via webpack

The Problem I feel like this should be more straightforward than it is. I need to access all my javascript …

javascript webpack bundle frontend
Java Swing progress bar for download process

I am using Java function to download file from internet. public void getLatestRelease() { try { // Function called long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // …

java swing backend frontend jprogressbar