The rate at which a thing occurs or is found.
From a function that i run in matlab i get a 225x400 matrix. I want to count the frequency of …
matlab frequency frequency-distributionI am currently attempting to create a sound frequency detection application on the iPhone. I have been informed that the …
iphone objective-c algorithm audio frequencyMy question involves writing code using the dplyr package in R I have a relatively large dataframe (approx 5 million rows) …
r dplyr frequency interaction large-dataI have been working on an Android project for awhile that displays the fundamental frequency of an input signal (to …
android fft frequency audiorecordFind the nth most frequent number in array. (There is no limit on the range of the numbers) I think …
algorithm frequencyI have a dataset with responses to a Likert item on a 9pt scale. I would like to create a …
r frequencyAndroid: I am new to voice process, I have created AudioRecord Object with sampleRate 8000Hz using JTransform library i am …
android audio frequency audiorecord android-audiorecordI have a signal with sampling rate 16e3, its frequency range is from 125 to 1000 Hz. So if i plot a …
python matplotlib frequency spectrogram