Top "Freetype" questions

Open source font rendering library, written in C, which is able to open font files in OpenType and TrueType formats (and more) and render glyphs.

Conversion from ASCII to Unicode char code (FreeType2)

I'm using FreeType2 in one of my projects. In order to render a letter, I need to provide a Unicode …

c++ unicode ascii freetype
matplotlib can't load ft2font on Windows 10

I'm using Anaconda 5.0.1 with Python 2.7.14. When I open a jupyter notebook and try to run the following: %matplotlib inline I …

python matplotlib anaconda freetype
Libtool think that a "library was moved" but it isn't the case

I am currently recompiling gtk+ and dependencies from source (I have no other choices). All my custom packages are installed …

gtk libtool freetype pango x86-64
CGImage from byte array

Loading a CGImage or NSImage from a file using a standard image format (jpeg, gif, png et.) is all very …

cocoa cgimage freetype
What is the purpose of fc-cache in fontconfig?

i went through the documentation of fontconfig and i could understand the purpose of fc-match and fc-list. I am not …

fonts freetype text-rendering fontconfig harfbuzz
Draw text outline with Freetype

I've implemented FreeType in my program, I can draw text with colors and style (Bold, Italic, Underline). Now I would …

c++ text opengl-es freetype freetype2
Reinstalling Matplotlib on Mac

I upgraded packages and broke my matplotlib installation. Now when I run import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, I get the …

macos matplotlib libpng freetype
Unicode troubles in FreeType

So, I've got an implementation that parses an xml that, among other things, positions and strings of Wikipedia's main page. …

c++ unicode fonts freetype
Install error: ftheader.h: No such file or directory

When I am trying to build matplotlib-1.3.1, I am getting the below freetype header errors. Probably it is not finding …

numpy matplotlib hortonworks-data-platform freetype
Compiling FreeType for iPhone?

I'm using FreeType on Windows, Linux and OSX without a single problem, and now I was to port my tech …

iphone ios config freetype