Does anyone know of an way to sleep for a given number of milliseconds in Fortran? I do not want to use non-portable system calls so anything intrinsic to Fortran or C libraries would be preferred.
Using the Fortran ISO C Binding to use the C library sleep to sleep in units of seconds:
module Fortran_Sleep
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_int
implicit none
! should be unsigned int ... not available in Fortran
! OK until highest bit gets set.
function FortSleep (seconds) bind ( C, name="sleep" )
integer (c_int) :: FortSleep
integer (c_int), intent (in), VALUE :: seconds
end function FortSleep
end interface
end module Fortran_Sleep
program test_Fortran_Sleep
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_int
use Fortran_Sleep
implicit none
integer (c_int) :: wait_sec, how_long
write (*, '( "Input sleep time: " )', advance='no')
read (*, *) wait_sec
how_long = FortSleep ( wait_sec )
write (*, *) how_long
end program test_Fortran_Sleep