I would like to know if in Fortran it is possible to use just a single command (with options/specifiers) to do the following:
open a file if it exists and append some data
(this can be done with: open(unit=40,file='data.data',Access = 'append',Status='old')
but if the file does not exist a runtime error is issued)
create the file if it does not exist and write some data.
I am currently using inquire
to check whether the file exist or not but then I still have to use the open
statement to append or write data.
As far as I am aware of, the only safe solution is to do the way you're already doing it, using different open
statements for the different cases:
program proba
implicit none
logical :: exist
inquire(file="test.txt", exist=exist)
if (exist) then
open(12, file="test.txt", status="old", position="append", action="write")
open(12, file="test.txt", status="new", action="write")
end if
write(12, *) "SOME TEXT"
end program proba
You may be interested in my Fortran interface library to libc file system calls (modFileSys), which could at least spare you the logical variable and the inquire
statement by querying the file status directly:
if (file_exists("test.txt")) then
end if
but of course you can program a similar function easily yourself, and especially it won't save you from the two open