I am looking to create a re-usable datetime picker in symfony2. The idea is it will consist of 3 separate input parameters. I will update the question with complete info so other people can use my findings.
{text input} {select hour} {select time}
The question is how do I create a custom re-usable form that combines 3 inputs into one.
I have attached a screenshot to give an idea of what im trying to achive
the symfony docs
You can simply use the jquery.datetime picker to show a datetime picker or just one of them(date or time).
i recently made on one of my website.
$builder->add('dateheure', 'datetime', array('date_widget' => "single_text", 'time_widget' => "single_text"));
and call jquery, datetime css and js on your page:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jquery.datetimepicker.css"/ >
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.datetimepicker.js"></script>
and then active datetimepicker on your fields:
$("#form_dateheure input").each(function(){
format: "Y-m-d",
timepicker: false,
datepicker: true,
format: "H:i",
timepicker: true,
datepicker: false,