A formatter may be any program or piece of program that modifies a file or input text so that it complies to a given format, or generate a text in a given format from input data.
I can change the text color by doing this in jqgrid custom formatter: function YNFormatter(cellvalue, options, rowObject) { var color = (…
jquery jqgrid formatterI am working on a android app and I have an EditText where user can input numbers. I want to …
android android-edittext formatter textwatcherI have enums like: public static enum Command { login, register, logout, newMessage } When formatting the file, the output becomes: public …
java eclipse formatterI want to format the JSON files in my eclipse on save file action, based on number of spaces that …
json eclipse formatterAre there any JSON editors on Windows? I tried Notepad++, but it only supports JSON with third party plug-ins which …
json editor formatterI was wondering if there exists a sort of Python beautifier like the gnu-indent command line tool for C code. …
python formatterCan some one suggest me a plugin to format HTML and JAVA code with proper indents etc ? Is there any …
eclipse plugins formatter