Top "Form-submit" questions

The submit event is sent to an element when the user is attempting to submit a form.

How to disable all inputs and textboxes after a form submitted?

I have several issues to discuss with you: I need all elements in the form disabled after a server answer "400" …

jquery form-submit onsubmit disabled-input
Can I set two values for a submit button?

Note: This is a rewrite of an old post to clarify what was being asked. Let's suppose I have a …

html forms form-submit submit-button
Why can't I trigger a submit button from within jQuery UI Dialog?

EDIT: Some people have suggested calling submit directly on the form. This is not what I am trying to achieve. …

jquery jquery-ui jquery-ui-dialog form-submit
Infinite loop of form submit using jquery event

The code is stuck in a loop when I try to catch a form submission. The purpose is to replace …

jquery form-submit
JavaScript OnBlur event prevents HTML form from being submitted

Consider the following form: <form action="/a" method="post"> <input name="x" type="text" onblur="myonblur(e)" /&…

javascript forms dom-events form-submit onblur
Html: For Select multiple, only one value is submitted but .val() returns array of two values

When rendering the page, the val() of a multiple select is set with a single value. For example, $("#my_select_…

php jquery html form-submit multiple-select
What is a good method for preventing a user from submitting a form twice?

I have a purchase page and I don't want the user to be able to refresh the page and resubmit …

c# form-submit
Using jQuery, how do I force a visitor to scroll to the bottom of a textarea to enable the submit button?

I have a registration form which contains a read-only textarea. I want to require any visitor to scroll to the …

jquery validation textarea scroll form-submit
Ruby on Rails: How to have multiple submit buttons going to different methods (maybe with with_action?)

So.. <%= submit_tag 'Save', :name => 'save' %> <%= submit_tag 'Save to Library', :name => 'library' %> then …

ruby-on-rails ruby forms form-submit
jsf: integer property binded to a inputtext in UI is set to zero on submit

I have integer properties from my bean binded to inputtext UI elements in jsp pages. initially when they are rendered, …

jsf form-submit