Top "Form-for" questions

Form helper to bind a form to a model object in Rails.

Rails 3 nested resource route problem as form_for

I have nested resources like this in my routes.rb - (my rake:routes gist) namespace(:admin) do resources :restaurants …

ruby-on-rails-3 routes form-for
form_for undefined method `model_name' for ::ActiveRecord_Relation:Class

I have been having issues with form_for rendering. I want to have a _form.html.erb partial that deals …

ruby-on-rails routes form-for
how form_for works in Ruby on Rails

I am an newbie. I have read the API documentation. But still don't understand how form_for works. Firstly, from …

ruby-on-rails rails-activerecord params form-for form-helpers
form_for with multiple controller actions for submit

How do I pass a url on the form_for submit? I'm trying to use one form with each buttons …

ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-3 form-for
Keep params after render Ruby on Rails

I have a Project that belongs to User. In my user view I have a link to add a new …

ruby-on-rails form-for
Rails 4 has_one association form not building

I need some pointers on how Rails 4 works with has_one and belongs_to association. My form doesn't save the …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-4 form-for actioncontroller strong-parameters
Difference between form_for and form_tag?

I used this gem in my application, but I'm not sure the difference between the different implementation options for the …

ruby-on-rails forms form-for
Rails: Using form_for multiple times (DOM ids)

I would like to use the form_for helper multiple times for the same model in the same page. But …

ruby-on-rails form-for
Using find_or_initialize on Rails 5

I'm playing with Rails 5's find_or_initialize in my Blog app that has Posts and Categories entered into input …

ruby-on-rails activerecord nested-attributes form-for ruby-on-rails-5