Foreign keys are a data integrity feature of relational (and SQL) databases.
I have this table CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CityMaster]( [CityID] [int] NOT NULL, [City] [varchar](100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_…
sql-server foreign-keys relational-database constraints relationshipI want to create new model, something like: user_name = models.ForeignKey(u"Username", User), but when I try to …
django foreign-keys user-registrationWhen you study relational theory foreign keys are, of course, mandatory. But in practice, in every place I worked, table …
sql database foreign-keysIf I declare the table below does it implicitly imply that both the foreign keys make a unique primary key …
sql sql-server sql-server-2008 foreign-keys composite-primary-keyIt's accepted that searching a table on an int column is faster than on a string column (say varchar). However, …
sql performance join foreign-keys varcharI have a user table with userid and username columns, and both are unique. Between userid and username, which would …
mysql sql foreign-keys ddlI am trying to figure out relationships and deletion options. I have two tables, User and UserStaff, with a 1:n …
mysql foreign-keys relationshipsI have the following database schema: members_company1(id, name, ...); members_company2(id, name, ...); profiles(memberid, membertypeid, ...); membertypes(id, name, ...) [ { …
sql sql-server tsql foreign-keys referential-integrityAbove is my simple database design, just wanted to gain information about how things happen as I'm really new at …
sql-server database foreign-keys primary-key rdmsI have a set of InnoDB tables that I periodically need to maintain by removing some rows and inserting others. …
mysql foreign-keys innodb