How to convert TTF to FNT with Fontforge

user3177112 picture user3177112 · Jul 2, 2014 · Viewed 33.7k times · Source

I have a TTF font, that needs to be converted in FNT (and ideally in pcf too). I tried Fontforge, but when I loaded font and chose to generate font - nothing could be selected from the list on the right, except "No bitmap fonts" though there was WIN FNT. Can anyone help me with this?


Stevoisiak picture Stevoisiak · Mar 11, 2017

I recommend trying Hiero. It can convert any installed system font or font file into .fnt.

You can download it from BadLogicGames.

  • Open runnable-hiero.jar
  • Select the font you want to convert.
    • For installed fonts on your PC: Select System
    • For downloaded font files: Select File and choose a font by clicking ...
  • In the menubar, select File → Save BMFont files (text)
  • Choose a save location and filename ending in .fnt

If done correctly, you should have two files for font_name.fnt and font_name.png

Hiero v3.1 - Bitmap Font Tool