Top "Fmdb" questions

FMDB is a free, third-party Objective-C wrapper for SQLite, providing a simple, object-oriented interface for Mac OS X and iOS.

SQLite: DB error, "out of memory"

I am using FMDB to create and add a record to a d/b. The method to create the d/…

objective-c sqlite fmdb
Xcode failed to emit precompiled header?

thanks in advance for the help you will give me. I have searched this for half a day over the …

objective-c swift xcode header fmdb
Fastest way to insert many rows into sqlite db on iPhone

Can someone explain what the best way to insert a lot of data on the iPhone using FMDB is? I …

iphone fmdb
Using FMDB on multiple threads and two connections

I'm using two different types of fmdb connections in my app: FMDatabase for all READ queries and FMDatabaseQueue for all …

ios multithreading fmdb
FMDB resultset into dictionary

Is there an easy way to get the FMDB results of an executeQuery:SELECT * ... easily into a dictionary? FMResultSet *appointmentResults = [[…

objective-c sqlite fmdb
SQLite FMDB creating table - beginner iOS

I think this is a simple question but I didnt find the answer in the FMDB git page. When you …

ios sqlite fmdb
FMDB ios no such table

I have a problem with a sqlite project that i'm doing, I'm using FMDB, I follow a simple example, but …

ios sqlite fmdb