Flow is a static type checker, designed to find type errors in JavaScript programs, created by Facebook.
I am using ESLint in a project and want to use Facebook flow as well, But I am getting warnings …
javascript facebook reactjs eslint flowtypeI am using flow within my React Native application, the initial startup of flow is incredibly slow because it is …
flowtypeCan someone explain the difference between: function foo(bar: ?string) { console.log(bar); } and: function foo(bar?: string) { console.log(…
javascript ecmascript-6 flowtypeWhat is the appropriate way to deal with ecmascript-6 Map objects in flowtype? const animals:Map<id, Animal> = …
javascript ecmascript-6 flowtypeIn the following code (Try Flow): type Response = { err: ?string; data: Object; } function length(x): Response { return { data : {} }; } length(10) I …
javascript flowtypeI'm slowly and surely working flowType into my code, but I'm struggling with one concept. How do I specify the …
javascript syntax flowtypeHow should we be using Flow type annotations with react hooks, such as useState? I've tried searching for some examples …
reactjs flowtypeI trying to define type of ref by flowtype in react v16.4.0 But I couldn't resolve it, so please let …
reactjs flowtype refAfter hours of searchs and tests, I didn't succeed to find any solution to make flow understand defaultProps See Try …
reactjs react-native flowtypeFlow allows you to use the following syntax to import types: // SomeClass.js export default class SomeClass {} // SomeFile.js import …
javascript ecmascript-6 flowtype commonjs