Top "Floating-action-button" questions

Floating action buttons are a special case of promoted actions.

Android How to implement Bottom Sheet from Material Design docs

How do you implement the bottom sheet specficiation? The new update …

android android-5.0-lollipop material-design floating-action-button
Bottom Align Floating Action Button

I want to align to bottom right my FAB. I tried with android:gravity="bottom|right" When I try android:…

android floating-action-button
Error inflating class

I would like use a FloatingActionButton on my application, I read this : but …

android floating-action-button
floating action button on react native

I want to use a floating action button in react native android in bottom right corner of the screen. But …

react-native floating-action-button
Set FAB icon color

current FAB I would like to know how to change the icon color of the FAB (Floating Action Button) widget …

android floating-action-button
InflateException with FloatingActionButton from Official Design Library

I am getting a bug using the official FloatingActionButton from Google's support design library. Here is my LogCat. android.view.…

android android-appcompat inflate-exception floating-action-button android-support-design
Plus Icon in Floating Action Button not rendered correctly in Android pre-Lollipop

I tried to setup a fab by using the support design library. Code in XML: <…

android floating-action-button
Android FAB plus sign not present on android drawable

Where can I find the plus sign at the center of a Floating Action Button? Is it made by Android …

android material-design android-5.0-lollipop android-6.0-marshmallow floating-action-button
Android Design Library - Floating Action Button Padding/Margin Issues

I'm using the new FloatingActionButton from the Google Design Library and I am getting some strange padding/margin problems. This …

android xml android-layout android-design-library floating-action-button
Change color of Floating Action Button from Appcompat 22.2.0 programmatically

I would like to know how to change the Floating Action Button color from the Support library 22.2.0 ? I've tried button.…

java android android-layout floating-action-button