Top "Flex-spark" questions

Spark is the new component skinning library introduced in Adobe Flex 4.

Programmatically close an AIR application

I would like to know the correct way to close an AIR application programmatically. In my Spark WindowedApplication I have: …

apache-flex air shutdown flex-spark
Why use s:Line instead of mx:HRule?

When using a mx:HRule or mx:VRule, Flash Builder suggests using a s:Line instead. Why would I want …

apache-flex flex-mx flex-spark
spark form item gap in Flex

Is there a way to change the space between a spark form item and its content(textinput, conbobox)? I already …

forms apache-flex flex-spark gaps-in-visuals
Removing the header from a Spark DataGrid

How do you remove the header row from a Spark DataGrid? MX DataGrid had the attribute "showHeaders" but this doesn't …

apache-flex datagrid flex-spark
parentApplication and FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication in Flex 4

In Flex 4, are there any differences between parentApplication and FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication? Are referring to the same top level application? I …

apache-flex flex4 flex-spark halo
Flex: how to control Spark datagrid header-text alignment?

If I have 10 columns in a Spark datagrid, and some headers need to be left-justified, some headers right-justified, and some …

actionscript-3 apache-flex flex4 flex-spark